2023 October Dev log

Hello everyone hope everyone had a great scary month of October here is a quick list of what I got done in this month

  1. Import the finished story for Dennis(wolf), Gregor(crow), Oliver(bat) in the game
  2. Finished writing story and most of the bonus dialog for Aldo(dragon) and started working Henrik(sheep)
  3. Finished drawing and import the win CG for Dennis
  4. Coded in more items and drew more items icons
  5. Drew a few icons for some debuffs
  6. Started writing some dialog for unlocking debuffs
  7. Coded in the base skeleton for the buffs and debuffs
  8. Very simple fixes and changes to the code

Now at the start of the month my goal was to start work for this buff/debuff system, while I started worked in the code making the base skeleton of them aka a holder to refence the name, icon, description and a abstract methods to add, remove, and the effect. I was mainly focusing on the debuff part but after I got the part effecting the board and needed to started doing the code effecting with unlocking and dialog I wanted to have some dialog ready to test it. But once I started writing the dialog I notice I have not finished writing the story for the character, so I made a change I put a pause for to finished writing the character stories. And now here is a bit of one of the finished win CG I got done this month.

   Now the goal for this month is simple just as finished writing all the single character stories and bonus dialog, writing the dialog for the first debuff unlock for each character. For art since I am done one character's win CG I want to try to get a minimum one character's win CG and at most two. Finally for coding first once the writing is done I will do the second half of the buff/debuff system, other than that code in more items. 

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